AHS - 70 - Hand Gel 70% Alcohol

 An easy to use quick drying treatment that ensures effective sanitising of hands. 

Suitable for use in the food industry, un-perfumed and non-tainting.

Suitable for the health care industry to prevent spread of contaminating organisms.

Bactericide - Passes BS EN 1040, BS EN 1500, BS EN12971 & BS EN 13727.

Fungicide - Passes BS EN 1275, BS EN 1650, & BS EN 13624.

Mycobactericide - Passes 14348.

Virucide - Passes BS EN 14476.

Available in:

300 ml containers.

5 Lt containers.


Clover Chemicals Ltd

Manufacturer of 'Effective cleaning chemicals,' boasting over 150 different product types throughout the cleaning industry.